The Word became flesh and dwelled among us . . . and the unfolding of His Words is Light.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Making He/She, We

Nine years ago today we said “I do,”
our he/she began melding into we.
Nine years ago we declared:
“I love thee freely, I love thee purely,
with all the breath, smiles, tears of all my life!”

Yet we learned--
the course of true love never did run smooth,
You said, “It’s ten minutes to everywhere!”
I protested, “We’re late for everything!”
I suggested, “How bout some hummus?”
You laughed, “Hummus, shmummus, bummus!”
You said, “Let’s read Ephesians before we doze.”
I said, “Ok . . . ” yawning,  drifting to repose.
You said, “I’ll be a trader-discipler.”
I said, “A what? Seminary was? . . . I do not concur!”

And God looked down and said,
“What fools these mortals be!”  
Me trying to stay she.
You trying to stay he.
This he/she melding into we—how can it be?

We asked: “How do I love thee?”
Embracing your he!
Accepting my she!
Loving our very own

Making together–love, we-love
an ever-fixed mark that
looks on tempests and is never

Making together-love, we-love
strong as death
fierce as the grave

And I said:
“Follow your dreams,
And I’ll follow you,

And you suggested:
“Macbeth is playing in the park—
Out! Out! Damn Spot!—
Let’s see it,
under the stars,
sipping Riesling.”

I affirmed:
 “Your soul-caring
Ways—reading the Word
to me, to our boys,
and Praying.
Always Praying—
I love those Ways.
Never stop.
Never change.”

You offered:
 “Can I wash the dishes?
Change a diaper?
Watch the kids?
So you can go for a run?”

I prodded:
“Help me understand
Your trader-discipler
Your heart
Your vision.”

You gave:
“Here’s a cup
of coffee.
Made it French Press,
just as you like it.”

We-love, together-love, says:
I love thee to the depth and breadth
And height
My soul can reach.

*Blue text=quotes/paraphrases of Shakespeare, Elizabeth Browning, Song of Solomon.