This blog chronicles, in part, my journey through the dark night. In the midst of loss and pain, I struggled to know God, to even want to know him. But, in his grace, the Hound of Heaven followed me through the winding paths of my dark night with "unhurrying chase, and unperterbed pace." He pursued me and brought me out of the dark night. His " Beauty and Love Chase[ed] after me, all the days of my Life!" (Psalm 23)
I'm thankful for the dark night. I'm thankful for the loss, rejection and pain because they brought me face-to-face with the God who Pursues.
So, I am beginning afresh with a new blog and new focus, but am leaving up this small window into my journey because it has been helpful to others, and I pray that it will continue to be.
May we all grow in grace as we seek the one who pursues us through the dark night and brings us to the Light.